Want more information on Forex Fury? Email us now.

We have the best response times in the industry, you can expect a lightning fast response time between 8AM EST – 7PM EST.

If you require support, feel free to email us from here as well.

There are some basic emails that are easily resolved with our FAQ.
  • If you have authentication problems, this means a typo is being made, and you can fix this by simply watching the authentication video and following it step by step (go here)
  • If you are not getting any trades, you probably just have to wait, but if you think there is a problem (go here)

Before you email, please check the FAQ first.

Please number your questions so they are easy for us to answer.

  1. Question 1
  2. Question 2

We are training new support staff, so please be patient.

If you are not getting an email back from us check your SPAM BOX. We reply to ALL emails.